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Rotherham Investment & Development Office

Rotherham Investment & Development Office

Start-up support in Rotherham. RiDO currently provides fully funded ‘start-up’ support as part of the Sheffield City Region ‘Launchpad’ programme. The support includes adviser time, ‘workshops’ and a ‘masterclass’ plus short seminars and ‘signposting’ to other local support. RiDO is the business development, economic regeneration and inward investment arm of Rotherham MBC. As such it has been delivering support to businesses in Rotherham, South Yorkshire since 1995. Its support activity has developed since its creation and currently also comprises: - Operation of 4 award winning Business Incubation Centres. - Existing [small] business support (advice\information) under GHEP projects. - Information and support to inward investing businesses - e.g. re. Enterprise Zone. - Premises database - covering virtually all commercial property to buy or rent in Rotherham and coupled with free premises search facility. - Y-Accelerator project – a specialist 3 months programme for small businesses with significant growth potential. Contact via: or or 01709 254444

Areas Covered: Rotherham

Telephone number: 01709 255975


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